TV Review: Fuller House S1 E11, “Partnerships In The Night”

Published on March 7th, 2016 in: Comedy, Netflix Reviews, Reviews, TV, TV Reviews |

By Tyler Hodg


Namaste to Fuller House as yet another decent episode appears–this time, with an added international element.

In “Partnerships in the Night,” Gibbler Style event planners–with Stephanie now as an employee–are tasked with throwing a retirement party for D.J.’s boss and Matt’s father Dr. Harmon. The owner of the veterinarian clinic they all work for is moving to India, and is passing the business down to one of his employees.

After all of the hard work that she’s put in over the years, D.J. believes she has the skills and seniority to run the business. Unfortunately, the outcome is much different, and Matt is awarded the clinic.

From the moment that D.J. mentions that the eldest Harmon is passing the business down, it’s obvious that it would be going to Matt. This makes the episode like a ticking time bomb, and when the big announcement comes, it’s hard to feel heartbroken as a viewer after having a while to let it sink in.

“Partnerships in the Night” adds a new step into the love triangle storyline. There is obvious turmoil between D.J. and Matt, and the absent Steve has an opportunity to swoop in next episode. While the entire plot is entertaining, both wannabe lovers come off as creepy. Neither guy appears to be the perfect match, and as a viewer, it’s hard to tell if that’s the intent of the writers, or the opposite.

Fuller House is entering the final stretch of season one. With 11 episodes behind and only two ahead, there are a lot of stories that will be hard to wrap up.

Some things will obviously carry over to the second season. Some things will never be answered. But revisiting Stephanie’s reproduction issues and Ramona’s struggles with her parents’ marital issues are vital for reminding the viewers that real issues are at stake before they forget about them in the wait between seasons.


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