Kings of the Wild Frontier: An Analysis of Music-Related Halloween Costumes

Published on September 29th, 2008 in: Halloween, Issues, Music, The Internets, Underground/Cult |


David Bowie

Poor David Bowie, everyone only ever wants to dress up as Ziggy when they’re trying to be him. Ziggy or Jareth. And not even actual Ziggy, more the Aladdin Sane cover.

I think I might make a costume and dress up like this one, because it’s way too awesome. I specifically love how it managed to look strangely like late Tiny Tim, which is great because the Ziggy character was—in part—based on Tiny Tim and you can tell here.

One thing I always wonder about is why Bowie costumes are always so tame. You’d think if you were gonna dress up as Bowie you’d wear a red teddy and paint a big sparkly circle on your face and prance around while Bowie fans everywhere lined up to get laid with you, but everyone makes it all modest.

I wasn’t going to post any Jareth, because it’s not properly Bowie, but this is way too beautiful not to. A word of advice to those planning to dress up as Jareth this year: shave off your eyebrows. Contrary to what you may think, no amount of pancake will make them disappear. I learnt this to my cost.


Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan costumes are my favorites, because when I find any, they come down to two things: wigs and a pout. And sucking in your cheeks.


Click to see images of. . .

Adam Ant
Bowie and Bolan
Boy George and Prince

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