Kings of the Wild Frontier: An Analysis of Music-Related Halloween Costumes

Published on September 29th, 2008 in: Halloween, Issues, Music, The Internets, Underground/Cult |

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Adam Ant

What’s interesting about Adam Ant is how incredibly popular he is as a costume. Nearly all the pictures of Adam Ant on a lot of image hosting sites are actually of people dressed up. I didn’t have this kind of success with Bowie or Alice Cooper or Mick Jagger, but apparently everyone digs Adam Ant. Don’t blame them, really.

Adam Ant is about one thing to Halloween costume-wearers: the white Apache war stripe. Great cultural appropriation there, everyone, but since I’ve worn it too, I can’t say anything.

This is actually my favorite Adam Ant costume below; it’s so true to his image and you can tell it’s based on him though they use none of the tropes.

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Click to see images of. . .

Adam Ant
Bowie and Bolan
Boy George and Prince

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