TV Review: Master of None, Episode 10: “Finale”

Published on December 4th, 2015 in: Comedy, Current Faves, Netflix Reviews, TV, TV Reviews |

By Tyler Hodg


The season one finale of Master of None delivers a healthy dose of both heartbreaking and laugh out loud moments, but unfortunately, fails to be the conclusion this show deserves. In fact, “Finale” somewhat sours the season altogether.

The tenth episode deals with some pretty standard Master of None themes—with evaluations of marriage and relationships at the forefront—but the plot is not the problem. Where “Finale” goes wrong is how it wraps up the relationship between Dev and Rachel.

The couple hit a rocky patch after Dev questions their happiness when comparing it to those around him getting married. A maybe-breakup ensues and the two separate to discover what it really is they want out of life.

All is good up until the final encounter. The feelings between the two are not mutual and they eventually go their own ways. It’s heartbreaking seeing the couple you’ve been rooting for all season break up, but it’s even more heartbreaking how abrupt and messy the writing is. Perhaps the point was that life catches you off guard sometimes, but the direction the show went isn’t pertinent to the essence of the show.

There is, like in most of the episodes, a subplot to “Finale.” Dev and the gang head to the premiere of the film he has been shooting all season, only to have find that his scenes have been cut altogether. The conclusion to this story arc feels natural, but its placement within this episode does not.

After the success the show has had, it would be ignorant to say that a second season isn’t on the way. More episodes should be welcomed with open arms, as there was enough substance within the first season to warrant interest in a second. Aside from a few missteps, which unfortunately include the finale, Master of None is a brilliant comedy that deserves all the attention it’s getting, and more.

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