TV Review: Master Of None, Episode 9: “Mornings”

Published on December 3rd, 2015 in: Comedy, Current Faves, Netflix Reviews, Reviews, TV, TV Reviews |

By Tyler Hodg


Master of None’s go-home show is the perfect culmination of Dev (Aziz Ansari) and Rachel’s (Noël Wells) relationship up to this point. “Mornings” gives us an in-depth look at casual conversations and arguments between the two that typically wouldn’t be shown in more elaborately-themed installments.

Basically a bottle episode, all but one quick shot near the end is entirely set within Dev—and now Rachel’s—apartment. This really isn’t an issue, as the show typically features a high variety of locations, making “Mornings” a moment of relaxation and reflection.

Moving in with someone is the true test to understanding if a relationship is meant to last, and the couple inevitably learns that it’s not always a smooth ride. The new venture starts on an elevated note, filled with sunshine, rainbows, and (apparently) incredible sex, but turns sour once the idiosyncrasies of the two are brought to light. Dev’s acute attention to cleanliness directly clashes with Rachel’s laid-back, “clean it when I can” lifestyle.

Some ups and downs of their relationship are documented throughout the 30 minutes, and conflicts between the two give us a better understanding of who the characters are when they’re not in public. Dev is essentially a sensitive but immature child, while Rachel’s insecurity about her future can be overcome with patience and love. Endearing, isn’t it?

“Mornings” also marks the return of Dev’s parents—who, of course, are played by his actual family members. The cameos reintroduce the characters in a subtle, but satisfying way. While the two shine fairly bright in the scenes they have been in, it’s best they stay peripheral in order to remain fresh.

Aside from the filming of the movie that Dev is working on, there are no concurrent storylines to be wrapped up in the finale. It’s nearly impossible to predict what its theme will be, but with the overwhelming amount of strong episodes in this first season, it’s safe to say that Master of None will probably end on a high note.

)P.S. For anyone who has watched this episode: is Dev’s “I want pasta” shirt not the bomb? Ordering now.

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