Hungry For Love, Part Two: Ten More Obscure Yet Hilarious Videos
Published on July 8th, 2010 in: Music, Video |By Jim R. Clark
This is Part Two in our series on bizarre videos you may have forgotten about or never seen.
The EU is well-represented in this installment. If you have heard these songs or seen these videos before, please comment and let us know.
To read Part One, go here.
“Oh, hey guys. It’s crazy meeting you here.”
“What, outside of our house?”
The Twins, “Not the Loving Kind”
Two hot ’80s guys being stalked by a teen fangirl in a Berlin mall. [Inspiration for Flight Of The Conchords perhaps?—Ed. ]
Fancy, “Slice Me Nice”
This song features the some of the best lyrics of all time:
I’m like a cake that wants to be baked
I’m like a pie made for hungry guys
In this video, a hooker, an SS girl, and a Liberace dandy run around playing hide-and-go-seek in abandoned buildings.
Naming your band Tragic Error seems like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Tragic Error, “Tanzen”
I think this is from Belgium: New Wave/Rap/Italo Disco that sounds like Nitzer Ebb except with retarded late ’80s coordinated karate-chop dance moves and the use of neon clothing. The lead singer has gold teeth and looks really, really angry but he’s wearing a giant happy-face T-shirt. It must be seen to be believed. It’s not in English but that’s not important. (“Tanzen” means “dance” in German.)
Moti Special, “Cold Days Hot Nights”
Some pretty awful lip syncing here and why do Europeans love to wear their scarves at all times? The video set is filled with mountains of white plastic trash bags and smoke. I love the piano key keytar strap, the drummer pounding away at the cymbals when there aren’t any cymbals in the song, and the way the singer looks like he’s having an epileptic seizure every time he gets to the chorus. My girlfriend says watching this video’s kind of like having worms; you watch it once and think you’ve forgotten about it only to find yourself humming it days later.
Slizzy Bob, “Glasses”
Some of the absolute worst special effects I’ve ever seen. This super nerdy band rocks out with way too much passion. Wait for the awesome drum solo at 51 seconds in. . . and several more later on.
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