POLYSICS Are My Valentine
Published on February 16th, 2010 in: Concert Reviews, Music |I don’t remember what song they started with, but they did play “Beat Flash,” one of the new singles from the new record Absolute POLYSICS. Again, Hiro is pretty much a ball of pure energy in the form of an astounding guitarist from Tokyo, Japan; as I witnessed in 2003, you can get tired from just watching him. And I was SITTING this time. WOW.
They played a lot of their singles and a few album tracks from the new release, but mostly singles, and not much of the really early stuff. “I My Me Mine” was very well received: the already going crazy at any note crowd went into overdrive when the siren opening the song started.
Sane Hiro!??
San Francisco; January 28, 2010
Photo © nirvana-grrl
POLYSICS are an incredibly tight band, too; they’re very much like they are on record, but faster. And Hiro presumably doesn’t jump and run around nearly as much in the studio as he does on stage. To give an example: on the amp head was a bottle of water and a towel. Between songs, Hiro began to reach for the water, then grabbed the towel instead to wipe all the sweat off his face.
The encore began with the KAYO-centric “Black Out Fall Out,” a great song to show off her immense skills at singing and keyboards. And, well, just a great song in general.
If there was a problem with the show, it was that it was a little short –only an hour—but if I ran around like Hiro did, while playing, doing Jumping Jacks, spinning, and all the other stuff he did, an hour’d probably be about it for me, too.
The songs went by really fast, though they did a pretty fair number of them. I wanted to hear some of the earlier singles like “XCT” or “Each Life Each End,” but I really can’t complain; there were so many great songs I DID get to hear that night. “Baby BIAS.” “Shout Aloud.” “Kajakajagoo.” “New Wave Jacket.” (Oh, god, “New Wave Jacket!”)
So, as we must, I repeat: POLYSICS are the best band in the universe. They are better than your favorite band. This holds true even if POLYSICS are your favorite band. They’re JUST THAT GOOD.
Although POLYSICS are currently going on hiatus, following the departure of member Kayo, you can check out their latest release, Absolute POLYSICS, on the band’s MySpace page or Official Website (in Japanese).
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2 Responses to “POLYSICS Are My Valentine”
March 17th, 2010 at 3:26 am
I was there in the crowd bouncing everywhere! That was awesome. I took a 3000 km flight from Canada to watch them before the hiatus (and in the same time spend good times in one of the most beautiful city of the world with Paris and London). Good review, brings back memories, thank you.
March 30th, 2010 at 9:43 pm
[…] As I mentioned a few weeks ago on the Popshifter Blog, POLYSICS are the best band in the universe. […]
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