Images of Peter: Finding Peter Godwin

Published on January 30th, 2010 in: Interviews, Music |

Rediscovering Peter Godwin

nathalie my love

Through the Internet I met some other fans of Peter Godwin. Slowly I realized a sort of cult had grown around him, and the music he had created for himself and other artists. He did an excellent Italo-Disco song for a Belgian singer, Nathalie, called “My Love Won’t Let you Down (Mon Coeur Qui Craque)” in 1983. Otherwise, the information out there was scarce at best. I read that he did some acting, and that his last foray into music was with a 1999 French language song called “Rendezvous.” At that point he seemed to have dropped off the map, musically and otherwise. . .

I wondered what had happened to him, all the while enjoying the fruits of his back catalogue. So imagine my utter shock when I discovered that he had a new musical project called Nuevo. I downloaded the album—his voice had retained its sound, and hadn’t aged a bit. There was also a contact email address on the Nuevo Web site. I was very interested in perhaps doing an interview with him. . . but I figured that he wouldn’t respond to my query, and I wouldn’t have blamed him whatsoever if he didn’t.

First of all, he doesn’t know me at all, and I could have come across as some rabid, obsessive fan. So. . . I shot a polite, very brief, terrified email over to the contact address. I did not expect any sort of reply back.

But I got a reply back. It went something like this:

Hi Emily,
Sure we can do an interview by email.
I was wondering what you’ve heard. . .

Well, I was absolutely floored. Eventually I was to find out that Peter Godwin was not only artistically generous, but he also seemed happy to discuss his projects: past, present, and future. After getting over the strange, unbelievable coolness of discussing music with one of my favorite musical artists, I managed to gather myself together and cobbled together some questions.

Thent was over to Mr. Peter Godwin himself. . . in a multi-part exchange with him, we discussed a variety of subjects, touching on his time with Metro (with and without Duncan Browne), his (very) storied solo career, his own influences and the influence he had upon the world of pop music, as well as his present work with Nuevo.


Cherchez la femme: “Images of Heaven”
Discovering Peter Godwin
Rediscovering Peter Godwin

Click here to read more from Peter Godwin on. . .

Setting The Scene
Cult Following and Italo-Disco
Benitez, Bowie, and Electronic Music
French and Spanish Inspirations
Producing and Writing
The English and European Aesthetic
Working with Steve Winwood
Off The Map
Working with Others
Forays Into Acting
More On Acting

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3 Responses to “Images of Peter: Finding Peter Godwin”

  1. Popshifter:
    February 4th, 2010 at 10:04 am

    This is one of the most fascinating things I have ever read! It’s so refreshing to see such in-depth musical knowledge and experience.

    Thanks Emily & Peter!


  2. Popshifter » Images Of Peter: Finding Peter Godwin, Part Two:
    May 30th, 2010 at 9:42 pm

    […] this continuation of Popshifter’s interview with singer/musician Peter Godwin from our January/February 2010 issue, Peter discusses his memorable music videos, musical production, his new album with his project […]

  3. REVO:
    August 7th, 2010 at 5:32 pm

    What a wonderful interview with Peter. I knew from his superb liner notes on the Oglio comp that he was a raconteur without peer, but that was but a taster for the feast you’ve provided here. I just found out about Nuevo and am looking forward to getting that album post-haste.

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