Tyburn Saints, You And I In Heaven EP

Published on May 10th, 2012 in: Current Faves, Music, Music Reviews, Reviews |

By Less Lee Moore

TS Heaven EP

Can we just go ahead and define ’80s music as a genre? I think enough great music was made during that decade and enough time has passed that it qualifies. Especially when so many bands continue to profess their love for the ’80s through amazing music (School of Seven Bells, The Chain Gang of 1974, Weep, White Lies, etc.). With their latest EP, You and I in Heaven, Tyburn Saints carry the torch with a firm grip and full hearts.

Little Richard, Here’s Little Richard

Published on May 9th, 2012 in: Current Faves, Music, Music Reviews, Reviews |

By Hanna

heres little richard

For the 55th anniversary of the original release of Here’s Little Richard, Concord Music Group has reissued a remaster of his debut on Specialty Records. This reissue also features a bunch of extras to put the album into context and provide some information on its meaning and background (and make total nerds like me wig out, of course). I wish I could just shout my review, but here it is in written form.

Portland Cello Project, Homage

Published on May 1st, 2012 in: Current Faves, Music, Music Reviews, Reviews |

By Jemiah Jefferson

PCP homage

While the sparkly and joyous “Hey Ya!” has long been a part of Portland Cello Project‘s live repertoire, Homage is their first full-length release of cover versions of hip-hop songs (they have done hip-hop covers before, but never a full album). In every case, PCP’s arrangement and performance of the melodies and rhythms found in these chart-smashing hits brings new delight to the listener, both in the chuckle-inducing recognition of the original and in admiration for how smoothly these tracks have been adapted.

Chelle Rose, Ghost Of Browder Holler

Published on May 1st, 2012 in: Current Faves, Feminism, Music, Music Reviews, Reviews |

By Kai Shuart

ghost of browder holler

Ghost Of Browder Holler is the latest release from Chelle Rose, and was recorded using the contributions of many. The album is the product of a bunch of musicians gathering around the table and deciding which of Rose’s songs they wanted to record. Yet for all the collaborative efforts, Ghost Of Browder Holler is extremely cohesive, giving the feeling that the primary artistic voice is Chelle Rose’s alone.

An Apple A Day Keeps The Maharishi Away: Strange Fruit DVD

Published on April 24th, 2012 in: Current Faves, Documentaries, DVD/Blu-Ray Reviews, Movies, Music, Reviews |

By John Lane

strange fruit DVD

The Beatles’ mythology has become so ingrained in our culture that even I, a self-confessed Beatle nut, rarely have the energy anymore to restate or reexamine their history. If my kids have questions about the Fabs, I’m almost half-tempted to sigh and say, “Yes, they were four guys who all lived in a funhouse together. If they ventured outside for groceries, they’d hop in their Yellow Submarine while being chased by screaming fans. Yes, Paul was the cute one, John was the smart one, George was the quiet one, and Ringo was the minotaur at the end of the maze—so, who wants to listen to some Motorhead?”

Theresa Andersson, Street Parade

Published on April 24th, 2012 in: Current Faves, Feminism, Music, Music Reviews, Reviews |

By Chelsea Spear

Theresa Andersson’s 2008 breakthrough album Hummingbird, Go! was no small accomplishment. Serving as a one-woman band, Andersson spun hummable, soulful tunes brimming with hard-won optimism. The straightforward production and elaborate arrangements became even more impressive once listeners knew that she’d performed all the instruments herself, using effects pedals to create loops. (The video for her song “Na Na Na,” in which she demonstrates her one-woman band setup, attracted 1.2 million views on YouTube.) How do you top a left-field critical and artistic success like this?

Johnny Headband, Who Cooks For You?

Published on April 17th, 2012 in: Current Faves, Music, Music Reviews, Reviews |

By Less Lee Moore

who cooks for you cover

Who Cooks For You? is the latest release from Detroit’s Johnny Headband, featuring brothers Chad and Keith Thompson (the latter of Electric Six), plus Gerald Roesser and and Robbie Saunders. Like the music itself, Who Cooks For You? poses an unanswered (or unanswerable) question: Who (or what) is Johnny Headband? Who Cooks For You? seems familiar yet it’s not beholden to current “indie” music trends; it refuses to be pigeonholed but all the same, it is one ridiculously enjoyable album. Who Cooks For You? crams a lot of flavor into its 35 minutes.


The Cabin In The Woods (spoiler free!)

Published on April 16th, 2012 in: Current Faves, Horror, Movie Reviews, Movies, Reviews |

By Lisa Anderson

cabin in the woods poster

Do you love the horror genre, but feel like it’s in a rut? Do you like rooting for main characters in a terrifying situation, but find that in recent movies, they’re often one-dimensional or unlikable? Do you enjoy the exquisite treat of being confronted with a Big Bad that’s been built up for over an hour . . . but wish that could happen without a lot of sexism or torture porn?

If, so, fortunately, Joss Whedon agrees with you.

Battle Royale: The Complete Collection

Published on April 10th, 2012 in: Blu-Ray, Culture Shock, Current Faves, DVD, DVD/Blu-Ray Reviews, Movies, Reviews, Underground/Cult |

By Less Lee Moore

battle royale complete

For those (like me) who have not yet been seduced by the legendary Japanese film Battle Royale, this new Anchor Bay collection—featuring the theatrical cut, the 2001 special edition, Battle Royale: Requiem, plus a disc of featurettes and extras—is nothing short of jaw-dropping. The four-disc set comes in a beautifully packaged booklet and is available in both DVD and Blu-Ray formats.

Battle Royale was originally released in 2000, and was adapted from Koushun Takami’s controversial 1999 novel of the same name. The film exploded into the new millennium, riveting audiences, breaking box office records, outraging censors, and transfixing a generation of film nerds like Quentin Tarantino. Its synopsis is straightforward:


Dinosaur Jr., BUG Live at 9:30 Club: In the Hands of the Fans

Published on April 5th, 2012 in: Blu-Ray, DVD, DVD/Blu-Ray Reviews, Movie Reviews, Music, Reviews |

By J Howell

dinosaur jr bug live DVD

The bulk of BUG Live at 9:30 Club was shot by six fans who won an online contest to interview Dinosaur Jr. and film them performing their third album, 1988’s Bug, in its entirety at the legendary DC club in June of last year. The subtitle of “in the hands of the fans” isn’t just appropriate considering the film’s production, though. In the hands of fans from way back is the best place for the DVD.