Keep The Beat: The Very Best of The English Beat

Published on July 10th, 2012 in: Current Faves, Music, Music Reviews, New Music Tuesday, Reviews |

By Danny R. Phillips

keep the beat cover

Shout! Factory announced recently that they would be re-issuing the entire catalog of material record by English ska/toasting masters The English Beat. Included in this is every album (that’s three studio albums and two of bonus materials) and a CD/DVD of the band playing the US Festival in May of 1983.

That much material could be a lot to swallow by anyone other then the most fanatical and hardcore of English Beat devotees. Well, for those in the world who do not want to dish out $34 for the box set (that is still a killer deal), Shout! Factory will be releasing a concise greatest hits package, Keep the Beat: The Very Best of The English Beat, as a complement to the five-disc wonder. (more…)

The Melismatics, Mania!

Published on March 8th, 2012 in: Current Faves, Music, Music Reviews, Reviews |

By Danny R. Phillips

the melismatics mania cover

There are many things in life that I find perplexing, things that occur or don’t despite what the world thinks or needs. Why did MTV give Pauly D. from The Jersey Shore his own show while still ignoring videos? How can someone listen to Skrillex for more than two minutes without committing ritual suicide? How in the world is Keith Richards still alive? Why aren’t the Minneapolis, Minnesota band The Melismatics famous yet?

Otis Taylor, Contraband

Published on February 14th, 2012 in: Music, Music Reviews, Reviews |

By Danny R. Phillips

otis taylor contraband

The blues are a strange animal; there are many styles, variations, colors, creeds, speeds, and levels of bluesdom. Though he took 18 years off from music in the 1970s, Otis Taylor has spent a long time perfecting his style known as “trance blues.” While he has made some great albums like Respect The Dead, perfection is not quite there when it comes to his latest release, Contraband.

The Heartless Bastards, Arrow

Published on February 14th, 2012 in: Current Faves, Music, Music Reviews, Reviews |

By Danny R. Phillips

heartless bastards arrow

The Heartless Bastards are a bit of an anomaly in the world of music. They are a rock band led by the charismatic and clever Miss Erika Wennerstrom. Instead of taking the manufactured pop road much traveled like Katy, Britney, or Lana, Wennerstrom charges ahead like Chrissie Hynde, strapping on a guitar and scorching the Earth.

Arrow, the Bastards fifth album and first for Paristian Records, is full of exceptional lyrics, 1970s rock stomp, and just a sprinkling of country twang. Where 2009’s The Mountain (my pick for album of the year) was full of heartbreak and cathartic reflection (Wennerstrom had ended a nine-year relationship), Arrow is packed with wonder and acceptance of life.

Best Of 2011: Danny R. Phillips

Published on December 21st, 2011 in: Best Of Lists, Books, DVD, Movies, Music, TV |

In terms of entertainment, 2011 has been kind of slow for me. Electronic acts, dubstep, and boring indie bands named after animals or things you have no hope of pronouncing in the correct way, have been a plague on the music scene like the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918. OK, that may be a bit exaggerated but you get the idea.

foo fighters wasting light cover

There have been, however, some things in music, movies, and the written word that have gotten my attention in 2011. Here’s my list of both new and old gems I’ve discovered and revisited in the past year. I hope you find my list enjoyable and informative. If not, better luck next year.

Portlandia, Season One DVD

Published on December 7th, 2011 in: Blu-Ray, Current Faves, DVD, Reviews, TV |

By Danny R. Phillips

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It seems that in some circle, including my own, cracking on hipsters has become somewhat of a sport. With their tragic coolness, bland color scheme in housing and clothes, poor music choices (does anyone REALLY like Bon Iver?), black eyeglasses, and Zach Galifianakis facial hair, the genus Hipsteris toocoolius has become a prime target for sarcasm and satire. And no show does it better than IFC’s Portlandia.

FIX: The Ministry Movie, Directed By Douglas Freel

Published on October 18th, 2011 in: Current Faves, Documentaries, DVD/Blu-Ray Reviews, Movies, Reviews |

By Danny R. Phillips

fix the ministry movie

From the wind-ravaged land known as Chicago, Ministry and its lead freak Al Jourgensen, were key in the creation of the soul-rattling, abrasive form of rock known as Industrial.

FIX, a behind the scenes, eyes wide open look at the band during their 1996 SphincTour, is informative and unsettling all at once. So unsettling that Jourgensen tried to stop its release. Luckily for us fans, he recently dropped the lawsuit.

Halloween Nation: Behind The Scenes Of America’s Fright Night, By Lesley Bannatyne

Published on September 29th, 2011 in: Book Reviews, Books, Current Faves, Halloween, Holidays, Horror, Reviews |

By Danny R. Phillips

Halloween, for as long as I can remember, has been my favorite holiday. Christmas is too shiny, Thanksgiving is too anxiety fueled (I come from a large, loud family), and Valentine’s Day is a joke. But Halloween? That’s one I could get behind.

The darkness, the pranks, the unlimited imagination, the scary movies on TV, the candy . . . the perfect holiday. So, if you have the same feelings about the darkest night of celebration, then Halloween Nation: Behind The Scenes of America’s Fright Night is for you.

Neil Young’s Music Box, Here We Are In The Years

Published on August 9th, 2011 in: DVD, Music, Music Reviews, Reviews |

By Danny R. Phillips

neil young music box

Doing an unauthorized DVD of any artist, let alone on someone as historically cantankerous as Neil Young, can be a real bitch. Little to no music or performance footage from the artist can be used, forcing the filmmakers to turn the film into a history lesson instead of a flat-out celebration. And sadly, that’s exactly what’s happened with Neil Young’s Music Box, Here We Are in the Years.

NRBQ, Keep This Love Goin’

Published on July 19th, 2011 in: Current Faves, Music, Music Reviews, Reviews |

By Danny R. Phillips

nrbq keep this love goin'

NRBQ is the beast that refuses to die. Formed in the ’60s by Terry Adams, the band has been making good ol’ bar party music ever since, despite numerous lineup changes, a bout with throat cancer, changing times, and changing flavors. With Keep This Love Goin’ NRBQ are back doing the same as they always have, and that’s just fine.