The Smell-O-Rama Issue



I never realized I had a sensitive sense of smell until one of my college friends pointed it out with exasperation: “You are always talking about how something either smells amazing or gross. What is your deal?”

Perhaps there are others out there who also have similar smell obsessions which relate to pop culture.

There is certainly a lot of ground to cover here: perfume ads; scratch & sniff books; John Waters movies; that new album smell; thrift store funk; movie popcorn; coffeehouse culture; the effect of no-smoking bans in bars and clubs; library smells; old books; cooking smells and Saturday morning cartoons; buying old video games and trying to get rid of the smoke smell; bubblegum; flavored lip gloss; “winter” versus “summer” smells; drug smells at concerts; smells that remind you of certain albums, songs, books, or movies; and so on.

All contributors to the Smell-O-Rama Issue will receive scented swag via the mail.