// Category Archive for: TV

Out Of My Shell: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Me

Published on July 30th, 2008 in: Cartoons, Comics, Issues, Movies, Retrovirus, Toys and Collectibles, TV |

By Megashaun

I was in the sixth grade, eleven years old, and I didn’t understand why I wasn’t cool. I only knew I wasn’t. I liked Ninja Turtles and Batman in a time when everyone else in my class was into MC Hammer, Technotronic, and Public Enemy. I didn’t own any albums. I didn’t try chasing the girls. One of my classmates—a boy—asked me which girl I liked and I said I didn’t like any (which was a lie; I didn’t want that secret getting out and risk being made fun of for it) and he asked me if I was gay.

Top Five Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) Programs

Published on May 30th, 2008 in: Canadian Content, Current Faves, Issues, Music, Radio, Retrovirus, Top Five Lists, TV |

By Nicole V.

One of Canada’s national treasures is the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, or the CBC. Since an early age, I’ve understood its reach across the country as a public broadcaster and have even referred to it as the lifeblood of the nation, a proclamation that is perhaps a bit dramatic (not to mention very nerdy), but for as long as I can remember the CBC has been both a television and radio staple in my life. Why so beloved?

The Kids In The Hall: Live As They’ll Ever Be

Published on May 30th, 2008 in: Canadian Content, Comedy, Issues, Reviews, TV |

By Jemiah Jefferson

Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland OR
May 11, 2008

“What? Are they still around?”

Popshifter‘s Secret Garden of Crushes

Published on May 30th, 2008 in: Issues, Movies, Music, Retrovirus, TV |

By Less Lee Moore

Pizzazz of The Misfits

WFMU’s Beware of the Blog is a fabulous resource for discovering music, movies, and art that I would likely never know about if left to my own devices. Sometimes, however, my favorite blog entries are the first-hand accounts of the often-perverting effects of pop culture.

Andrea, Lynda, Margot, and Erin

Published on May 30th, 2008 in: Issues, Movies, Retrovirus, TV |

By Christian Lipski

lynda carter
Wonder Woman

When I was seven or eight, Annie came out on Broadway, and they published an article in one of those newsprinty school magazines that you’d get for free. The picture was of Andrea McArdle as Annie, and something just clicked in my head, and I desperately wanted her to be my girlfriend. I filled up all the blank space in the picture with little drawn hearts. I kept that picture for a long time.

The Geeks Shall Inherit The Jokes: Cinematic Titanic

Published on May 30th, 2008 in: Comedy, Current Faves, Issues, Popcasts, TV, Underground/Cult |

ct phone call4
“If they could give him plastic surgery,
you think they could’ve fixed the scar on his hand?”

For those of us who were Mystery Science Theater 3000 fans, the new riffing-over-bad-movies venture of Joel Hodgson (and original cast members Trace Beaulieu, Frank Conniff, Mary Jo Pehl, and J. Elvis Weinstein) is like the second coming of Crow T. Robot.

Crush Encounters of the Pre-Pubescent Kind

Published on May 30th, 2008 in: Issues, Movies, Music, Retrovirus, TV |

By Ann Clarke

We all had crushes as kids. My crushes changed as I aged, mostly because my tastes evolved, or the crushes in question began to look horrible with age. The strange picks I will highlight below, however, only cover the years before puberty.

The Key Word is “Goofy”

Published on May 30th, 2008 in: Issues, Movies, Music, Retrovirus, TV |

By Less Lee Moore

My mom and grandma were big fans of Jerry Lewis movies, but I don’t think they had any idea that I harbored secret desires for him during my numerous viewings of Cinderfella and The Errand Boy. What was it that I so admired? In all honesty, I think it was just that he was a big goofball who made me laugh. I loathed the movies he did with Dean Martin, who I angrily dismissed as “that old drunk guy”. How dare he take screen time away from my Jerry?


Why Uncool Is Cool: An Interview with Paul Feig

Published on March 30th, 2008 in: Books, Interviews, Issues, Movies, TV |

Interviewed by Less Lee Moore

Paul Feig is one of my heroes. In this age of cynicism, that probably sounds corny, but it’s the truth. Paul Feig has been a stand-up comedian and an actor and is currently a writer, director, producer, and author.

Q & A with Fatal Farm

Published on January 30th, 2008 in: Comedy, Current Faves, Issues, Movies, Music, Q&A, TV, Video |

Interviewed by Less Lee Moore

If you frequently troll YouTube for weird videos or subscribe to WFMU’s Beware of the Blog, you may have already heard of Lasagna Cat, video mashups of well-known songs with three-panel Garfield comics.

If you haven’t, then you should probably watch one immediately.