// Category Archive for: Books

Buzz Aldrin, Magnificent Desolation

Published on September 29th, 2009 in: Book Reviews, Books, Halloween, Horror, Issues, Reviews, Science and Technology |

By Emily Carney

apollo 11
We’re all BFFs! REALLY!

As a kid I was absolutely obsessed with the Apollo missions from the late 1960s and early 1970s. As an adult, I still am.

Five Faves: Sherlock Holmes In TV And Film

Published on September 29th, 2009 in: Books, Halloween, Horror, Issues, Listicles, Movies, Over the Gadfly's Nest, Radio, TV |

By Lisa Anderson

There is a new Sherlock Holmes movie coming out in December, and I for one am a little nervous.

Now, I’m no Holmes expert, even though I read some of the original stories by Arthur Conan Doyle when I was younger. And I was actually excited about the project at first, because of the involvement of Robert Downey, Jr. and in spite of widespread skepticism over the director, Guy Ritchie. It was the trailer that really concerned me.

1 Top Class Manager—The Notebooks of Rob Gretton: Q & A With Lesley Gilbert

Published on January 30th, 2009 in: Books, Issues, Music, Q&A, Retrovirus |

By Emily Carney

A review of 1 Top Class Manager can be found here.

“[Journalist] Paul Morley’s line of questioning was about a new underground forming outside the system – how do you see the role of the band? . . . Personally I would rather adopt a different role with regards to everything. . . ”
An excerpt from Rob Gretton’s notebooks, circa 1978


Travel Advice for a Journey Into Comic Books

Published on January 30th, 2009 in: Books, Comics, Issues |

By Christian Lipski

Thanks to Hollywood, comic books (graphic novels) are more popular than ever among the general public, and a lot of people are interested in finding out what these things are all about. Comics have been around for a hundred years in one form or another, so it’s nearly impossible for the uninitiated to know where to begin. I’m no expert, but I can tell you what I’ve loved. My tastes run toward the superhero end of the spectrum; I’ve never delved into the world of Love and Rockets or American Splendor, two great examples of the “realistic” genre, so plan accordingly. This isn’t meant to be a comprehensive map of the best in “sequential art” (as comic books are sometimes loftily known), but rather some suggestions for places to start, based on my own forays.

Bands, Posters, Lights, Money: The Notebooks of Rob Gretton

Published on January 30th, 2009 in: Book Reviews, Books, Issues, Music, Retrovirus, Reviews |

By Emily Carney

A Q & A with Lesley Gilbert, Rob’s widow, can be found here.

Rob Gretton, Joy Division’s manager, has attained legendary status due to his massive presence in Manchester’s musical history, and due to his various depictions in cinema. He’s been portrayed in two major films: 24 Hour Party People (directed by Michael Winterbottom, 2002) and Control (directed by Anton Corbijn, 2007). He has been depicted as being brusque and pint-loving-yet-sympathetic by actor Paddy Considine in 24 Hour Party People; he is rendered as being somewhat harsh and expletive-using by actor Toby Kebbell in Control. A new book, entitled 1 Top Class Manager (referring to Rob referring, well, to himself), consists of Rob’s journals and notebooks from the period between 1978 and 1980, when Joy Division began to make their mark upon the world of popular music. These notebooks set out to “humanize” the myth of Joy Division while underscoring the enormous work it took to make the band successful.

Top Five Most Inadvertently Hilarious Rock Books

Published on January 30th, 2009 in: Book Reviews, Books, Issues, Music, Top Five Lists |

By Emily Carney

5. Kraftwerk: I Was A Robot, by Wolfgang Flür (2000)

i was a robot

Wolfgang Flür is best known as being Kraftwerk’s drummer from 1974 to 1991, during their “golden years” when they turned out seminal albums such as Radioactivity (1975) and Trans-Europe Express (1977). This memoir by Flür details his various escapades within the workings of the “Düsseldorf Beatles.”

Flür’s liquored-up memories encompass shameless groupie-guzzling, getting surreally and seriously ill while on tour, and being sexually attacked by an aging alcoholic male German film actor. They climax when Flür is unceremoniously ousted from the band, who have become increasingly obsessed with cycling (to Flür’s utter dismay). Who would have believed the inner workings of Kraftwerk could be so scandalous and sex-soaked? The book was greeted with anger from Kraftwerk’s remaining members, who sued Flür; apparently Ralf Hütter and Florian Schneider were not amused by photographs depicting the Kraftwerk robots in various homosexual activities.

Popshifter‘s Best Of Lists

Published on January 30th, 2009 in: Best Of Lists, Books, Current Faves, Issues, Movies, Music, Retrovirus, Top Five Lists, Top Ten Lists, TV |

pete best
Pete Best

Most publications give you their “Best Of” and “Top Ten” lists in their December issues. But what about giving props to of all the great things you embraced in the penultimate month of the year?

That’s why Popshifter has decided to provide you with our favorites now, so that you can add them to your list of “Things To Check Out In 2009.”

In addition to the lists our staff compiled, we’ve also posted the lists from some very special guest contributors.


1 Top Class Manager—The Notebooks of Rob Gretton: Q & A With Lesley Gretton

Published on January 30th, 2009 in: Books, Issues, Music, Q&A, Retrovirus |

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The Gonzo Tapes: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

Published on January 30th, 2009 in: Book Reviews, Books, Culture Shock, Issues, Retrovirus, Reviews, Underground/Cult |

By Lisa Haviland

“For me, it was the first time I’d ever even heard an artillery shell fired and when they come in and hit, it’s a, ah, unnerving experience. . . When you’re out in a jeep that continually backfires and boils over and stops by the side of the road in the midst of voluntary convoys and hoards of refugees, yeah, you tend to think that maybe the world is about to come to an end.”


A “Very” Exclusive interview with Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

Published on November 29th, 2008 in: Books, Comedy, Interviews, Issues, Over the Gadfly's Nest, Retrovirus, Underground/Cult |

By Danny R. Phillips

Authors’ Note: This piece of fiction is based on a dream I had and is a product of my twisted imagination. Feel free to email me with thoughts relating to this or any of my other work but please, do not state the obvious. I know Hunter Thompson is dead and therefore he is extremely difficult to reach for comment.

On February 20, 2005 the great Doctor of Gonzo journalism, Hunter Stockton Thompson spent the day with his son Juan and his grandson Willie, and after giving Juan some cherished family heirlooms, Hunter put a .44 Magnum to his 67 year-old-head and well, let’s say “checked out of the hotel.”