March/April 2009
He Had Good Taste: A Tribute To Lux Interior
Urgh! A Music War, 1981
Fans share their memories on the passing of the incomparable, incredible, irreplaceable Lux Interior: 1946 – 2009.
To read more, CLICK HERE.
Staff Picks
Do It Again: Cover Versions Which Should Happen
by Emily C.
Top Ten Concerts
by Christian Lipski
The Sepia Tint of Doom: Worst Ideas for Rock Photography
by Emily C.
Smell-O-Rama Extravaganza
The staff at Popshifter have noses that know no bounds. To read our olfactory stories, CLICK HERE.
Fast Times at Ridgemont High, 1982
Screencap from megacaps
Q&A and Interviews
She Put A Record On: An Interview With Gudrun Gut
by Ann Clarke
Fear Is A Woman’s Best Friend: Q & A with Deerfrance
by Emily C.
Disliking Influence: Q & A with Robert Görl of DAF
by Emily C.
Commanding Cobra: An Interview With Cobra Commander
by Megashaun
Für Immer: Deutsch-Amerikanische Freundschaft and Neue Deutsche Welle
by Emily C.
From Maniac To Mother: Remembering Divine
by Eric Weber
LOST: Why I Never Left The Island & Why You Need To Go Back
by M. Bevis
In Defense Of Harvey Dent
by Lisa Anderson
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly: Film Remakes, Part Three
by Michelle Patterson
“Do you think you could wrap up a bottle of this scent for me?”
Weird Science, 1985
Screencap from Leave Me The White
Morrissey, Years Of Refusal
by Hanna
We’re All Watching The Watchmen
by Danny R. Phillips
Oren Lavie, The Opposite Side Of The Sea
by Chelsea Spear
Shiny Around The Edges, Holy Roller
by J Howell
The Sweet, Action: The Sweet Anthology
by Hanna and Christian Lipski
Otis Redding, Respect Live 1967
by Danny R. Phillips
John Lee Hooker, Anthology 50 Years
by J Howell
Emerson Lake & Palmer, Live At The Royal Albert Hall DVD
by Michael Row
Waxing Nostalgic
Popshifter trips down the turntable lane.
Albums In Decline: T.Rex, Iggy Pop, The Ramones
by Christian Lipski