Music Review: Doomsquad, Pageantry Suite EP

Published on May 29th, 2015 in: Canadian Content, Current Faves, Feminism, Music, Music Reviews, Reviews |

By Jeffery X Martin


“You review music! That must be a dream job,” everyone says to me, and that is how I know the person talking does not review music for a living. While I agree that reviewing music for a living is a sweet gig, and I do get to hear a lot of cool tunes before the general public does, there are times when it provides just as much frustration as any other job.

The latest Doomsquad release is one of those frustrations. Their last album, Kalaboogie, was a Tantric trip back to the cradle of civilization and beyond (review). That’s a pretty heavy description, but it was a great record, filled with thunder and mystery, giving us only hints about where the trio was going next.

As expected, Doomsquad delivers a surprise.

Welcome to Pageantry Suite, an infuriating five-song EP of which the last two songs are instrumental versions of two of the previous tracks. It is, at the core, a soundtrack. Doomsquad has been doing work with filmmaker Chris Boni and the music is directly related to the album cover and two accompanying videos.

The press release says it best. “This EP offers a call and response between its musical content—a two-part dance suite and a bonus track—and its visual content: the album cover and the Suite’s two accompanying videos.”

The videos were not provided for review.

That’s a bit frustrating, simply because when reviewing a project, it’s best to get as much information as possible. One tries to place the music in its own context, as well as within a wider worldview. And while it’s no surprise that Doomsquad is branching out into a more visual arena, this review deals with the music only, not what it is designed to accompany or enhance.

Let’s keep it simple.

Listening to Doomsquad evolve is a treat. While Kalaboogie was the soundtrack for watching the world burn, Pageantry Suite is a different creature. Channeling Tito Puenté, “I Zimbra”-era Talking Heads, and the B-52’s into one coherent project is a weird task, but once again, Doomsquad reaches into their mojo bag and pulls out the unthinkable.

These three new songs are stirring, pulling on different parts of the human spirit at the same time. This is great music for cleaning the house, having an orgy, or cleaning the house before your friends come over for an orgy. Whatever primal instinct it prods in the listener, this is music that requires that you move. If you fear that you have lost your boogie shoes, Doomsquad knows where they are and will help you find them.

While it would have been nice to get the whole picture, the score is certainly enough to merit repeated listening. When you listen to Pageantry Suite, mark it on the imaginary musical map of your mind. Put a pin on that spot. That way, when the next Doomsquad release drops, you can trace where they go next. I can just about guarantee their next destination won’t be where you anticipate.

Pageantry Suite was released on May 19 by Hand Drawn Dracula and Bella Union. It will also be released on limited turquoise vinyl on June 16.

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