The Stanley Hotel Ghost Tour
Published on September 29th, 2010 in: Halloween, Horror, Travel |
An interesting tidbit also revealed on the tour was that when filming Dumb & Dumber, the haunted history was told to all involved with the film, including the premise that there are particular rooms more haunted than others. In this case, Room #217 (the one that Stephen King stayed in and which inspired him in the first place) was immediately claimed by Jim Carrey for his lodgings! I mean, he’s Jim Carrey. . . of course he’d go with the ballsiest maneuver!
Apparently in the middle of the night, Jim ran down to the front desk and basically told them, “Get me the hell out of here!” Jim has never revealed publicly what he experienced, but he checked into the Holiday Inn down the street due to whatever scared him. (Although it’s doubtful I will, if I ever meet Jim Carrey, I will ask him what happened!)
Other renowned dignitaries that have brought The Stanley Hotel into the spotlight, were the members of TAPS, otherwise known as the SyFy Channel TV show Ghost Hunters. According to the tour guide, they have been there at least 15 times. (Although most of their investigations haven’t been fully televised, many have been.) Every time I’ve ever watched Ghost Hunters investigate The Stanley, they always find some of the craziest shit! In fact, they should do a spin-off show about it (or at least a documentary).
So with all of these famous ghostly tales, did I actually experience anything when I was there? At the time, I didn’t really think so, but then after thinking about it later (and after going over photographic evidence), I would have to say YES!
Click for a larger version
of this photo.
The first instance was when the tour guide (who was fantastic by the way: really engaging and funny and goes by the name of Scary-Mary) was telling us about four ghost children that like to tug on her skirt and who she claims she can hear. What the guide will do is lock her knees, stay completely still, and if you look at her pleated skirt, you will see it being tugged on in certain parts.
About five minutes into this demonstration she said that one of the children asked if they could hold my hand, to which I said, “NO!” I thought that was a bit strange that the whole tour group was into the idea of touching the ghosts, but I wasn’t into the idea whatsoever, and didn’t speak up about it, and then she singled me out of everyone else. It caught me off guard, and I felt a bit creeped out by it.
The other weird instance was when I purposely shot a photograph of the stairwell without looking through the lens (and with my head turned away). I took many photos with NOTHING suspicious in them, but I was looking through the viewfinder in all of those, and in this one, I caught a bright white orb dead center of the photo. No other photos I took that day had anything like that in it. So the circumstances around this photo (which I included so you can judge for yourself) are a bit freaky!
Without giving every tidbit away about the tour itself, I would say that if you are into haunted buildings, and you ever end up in the Denver region. . . go on this tour! It was a very different tourist activity than I’m accustomed to, and who knows what you may find!
Check out The Stanley Hotel website for more information.
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