William S. Burroughs, A Man Within: Interview With Filmmaker Yony Leyser
Published on March 30th, 2010 in: Current Faves, Interviews, LGBTQ, Movies, Underground/Cult |Popshifter: What drew you to Burroughs work? What made you want to complete this film? Did you think of quitting?
Yony Leyser: Burroughs was one of the most interesting characters in history. While he struggled with his personal life (he shot his wife, he was a junky, he couldn’t maintain a relationship, etc.), still he was able to change the world. He broke so many boundaries and opened up doors to doing things like making documentary film. I didn’t think of quitting, but people like my production team, BulletProof Film, Tom Peschio, Penny Arcade, John Giorno, Patricia Marvin, Lee Ranaldo (and his bandmates in Sonic Youth), Hal Willner, Patti Smith, and others helped out when I was struggling.
Filmmaker Yony Leyser
Popshifter: What other literary, musical, or pop culture figures would you like to explore via film?
Yony Leyser: You will have to wait and see. I interviewed many of them for this film.
Popshifter: How did you raise money? How did the “50th Anniversary of Naked Lunch Benefit” come about?
Yony Leyser: We raised money through that event, Kickstarter.com, a grant from Frameline, and some personal donations from people in the film.
Popshifter: You interviewed more than 100 people for this project. Was there anyone you wanted to get that refused or didn’t work out?
Yony Leyser: A few people didn’t make the final cut, but they helped in the process. Some people had scheduling conflicts.
Popshifter: What music and film counter culture people appear?
Yony Leyser: Watch the film. . . I can get you a copy.
Popshifter: What are your favorite quotes from the film?
Yony Leyser: The funny ones. Anything John Waters says.
Popshifter: What was your first full length viewing like? What has been the reaction from the audience as well as possible distributors?
Yony Leyser: The audience loved it! We are in negotiations. . . it looks good.
Popshifter: Any word about other showings?
Yony Leyser: It will be playing all around the world in the coming months.
Popshifter: Thanks for your time.
William S. Burroughs: A Man Within was recently screened at the Chicago International Music & Movies Festival on March 4. Watch the five-minute teaser trailer on YouTube. For more information on this film, visit the Official Site.
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