Top Ten News Stories of 2009 That Could Be Songs By Lovecraftian Apocalypse-Mongering Rock Band The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets
Published on December 29th, 2009 in: Best Of Lists, Listicles, Music, Science and Technology, Science Fiction, Staff Picks, Top Ten Lists |By Toren Atkinson of The Darkest Of The Hillside Thickets
10. Song Title: “No Dogs Go To Heaven”
News Headline: Atheists offer to care for Christians’ pets after the Rapture
Photo credit: NASA
9. Song Title: “I Thought They Smelled Bad On the Outside”
News Headline: Don’t Joke About Tauntaun Sleeping Bags: Star Wars Fanatics Get Pissed
8. Song Title: “Curse of the Revenge of the Spawn of the Alien”
News Headline: UFO puzzle: Alien baby or elaborate hoax?
7. Song Title: “The Darkest of the Earthbound Comets”
News Headline: Earth under threat from dark comets
6. Song Title: “Baby Shark Jesus”
News Headline: Shark “Virgin Birth” Confirmed
5. Song Title: “Killbots Are For Killing”
News Headline: Military killer robots ‘could endanger civilians’
4. Song Title: “Caution! Zombies! Ahead!!!”
News Headline: Austin Road Signs Hacked, Warn of Nazi Zombies and World’s End
3. Song Title: “Barry the Giant Seaworm”
News Headline: Barry the giant sea worm discovered by aquarium staff after mysterious attacks on coral reef
2. Song Title: “Wanted: Apocalypse Cult Prophet”
News Headline: Its ‘Mother’ dead, doomsday sect’s future in doubt
1. Song Title: “Rocktopus”
News Headline: Rare fossil octopuses found
Song Title: “The Ten Commandments of the AntiChrist”
News Headline: American Stonehenge: Monumental Instructions for the Post-Apocalypse
Toren Atkinson was featured in Popshifter Issue 012.
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