Cinema Wasteland Movie And Memorabilia Expo 2009: Cleveland

Published on November 29th, 2009 in: Conventions/Expos, Issues, Movies, Underground/Cult |

fred julz

Fast forward to this past summer. . . I decided to take another glance at Cinema Wasteland’s website, and as I was scrolling the page of guests the first one I saw was Arch Hall, Jr. Arch was the star of the 1963 exploitation classic known as The Sadist. As messed up as that movie is, I kind of liked it. I don’t particularly enjoy watching sadistic and gruesome murders in film, but The Sadist isn’t gory, and the acting is so out there that it’s marginally enjoyable. So my interest was slightly piqued. . . mainly because I was surprised that Arch Hall, Jr. was still alive! So I kept scrolling down the page and who the hell should I see but Fred “The Hammer” Williamson!

Fred is one of my all-time favorite B-movie actors. . . let alone actors in general! I had just been saying to my boyfriend, “Cinema Wasteland should get someone cool there like Fred Williamson or Enzo G. Castellari!” Sure enough, I look into it… and voila! (The same thing happened earlier in the year when I was saying how I wished that Blowfly would play Cleveland, and then he did! This can’t be a coincidence!)

So there was no way I was NOT going to this past October’s Cinema Wasteland event! I’d brave the creeps just for the opportunity to meet Fred. . . and that’s exactly what I did! Holy hell. . . what a cool guy! He was far too cool for that event, to be quite honest. . . and he knew it. The dude isn’t aging either. . . he’s a senior citizen, and you’d never know it. I see people in their 40s that look older! He clearly loves chatting with his fans, and even played it cool towards people that didn’t know him. You can’t contend with that kind of confidence! I made it point to get him to sign the promo photo he did for King Cobra Malt Liquor from the ’80s, and yes, I framed it!

Since I had already paid my admission to Cinema Wasteland, I did walk around and observe the rest of the proceedings. It was full of creeps as usual! I did pick up a few trinkets here and there, but then I decided to go hang out with Fred some more.

Now, with that all said, Cinema Wasteland isn’t a waste of time or anything; it’s really a personal preference. If you love freaky horror film stuff, it’s probably a cultural Mecca! I do like how it does occasionally feature non-horror persons like Fred Williamson or Tura Satana. I just honestly think that it could use a bit more of that mixed in. I know its goal is to be an “anything goes” type of atmosphere, but maybe promotion towards those who like action, sci-fi, cult, or just plain weird would truly make this gathering monumental!

For more on the Cinema Wasteland Expo or to order memorabilia and movies from them directly, visit their website.

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One Response to “Cinema Wasteland Movie And Memorabilia Expo 2009: Cleveland”

  1. Popshifter:
    December 1st, 2009 at 11:16 am

    The FanExpo in Toronto combines several different themes: anime, horror, comics, and gaming. As a result, it is overwhelmingly crowded and has become a real chore to attend. The horror segment, although sponsored by Rue Morgue Magazine, does tend to focus on torture porn and the side of horror movies and Halloween that doesn’t interest me, although there are frequently booths with good movies available for good prices. I would LOVE to see a convention that had more of a focus on underground B-movies and old horror, as well.


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