Driving Me Backwards (Apologies To Brian Eno)
Published on September 29th, 2009 in: Halloween, Horror, Issues, Music |How about his own feelings and needs? Maybe John Lennon knew.
Click to hear “Turn me on dead man.”
Ew. Necrophilia? Okay, well, I guess I should have expected that. Fine. We all have our little fetishes right?
So, we can now assume Satan is kind of an inconsiderate, unreliable cheapskate. He’s a bit of a pothead. A jailbait magnet. And I wouldn’t recommend you hire him to work at the local mortuary or funeral home. But, at least he’s clearly a music lover. And I have a hard time judging a fellow music fanatic too harshly (Parrot Heads and Dave Matthews fans aside). And who doesn’t dream of being immortalized in song? And we have evidence that Satan has been begging for this since the early 60s Mr. Ed theme song.
Click to hear “Sing this song for Satan.”
Well, at least he loves horses, too.
Satan obviously has has some hangups and lacks social grace, but he just wants some attention. Kinda makes you feel sorry for him really.
For more examples of alleged “backwards masking,” visit Jeff Milner’s site on the subject.
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