For Your Consideration: An Interview with Trztn of Services
Published on May 30th, 2008 in: Current Faves, Interviews, Issues, Music |Within the lyrical contexts of both Flux and Services, there seems to be a common theme, and its something I can relate to well, and that being “bargains” [I’m the queen when it comes to getting a good deal on anything, and I don’t believe in spending a lot of money on any kind of merchandise whatsoever.—Julz] “Dollar Days,” “Supermarket,” and “Expensive Shit” really speak my language, and make me laugh at the same time. Are you a bargain-whore too?
These themes came about during a “corporate fetish” phase I went through. I was interested in, and marveled at, stock photography, cruise-ship imagery, vacation catalogues, and so on. . . . That sloganeering hyper-capitalistic style may have also come from a love/hate relationship with capitalism in general and a childish reaction to “responsibility,” plus the master/slave complex associated with that kind of power. That last phrase may not have made any sense. . . One thing I do know is that I am terrible at bargains and don’t seek them out, either.
Chris Pravdica and Trztn
Considering you live in Brooklyn, and some of the research I came across concerning both you and Pravdica tend to point towards being unknown or an anonymous type of act (i.e., record stores in your ‘hood don’t even carry your stuff), that would lead me to believe that Services aren’t really raking in the dough, so to speak. . . and your success is more that of respect than economic resource (respect speaks volumes over a cash-crop). With the expenses of NYC alone, and how the city is all “Bloomberged” with high-rise condo developments jacking up the already expensive rent. . . how the hell are you able to afford to live in NYC? Do you have a side job to pay for all of that survival bullshit?
I work in the arts, often assisting other artists or their objects. I have no financial stability nor long-term career plans at the moment.
I saw that “Aza Delta” clip on YouTube that I will assume you’re responsible for. . . what’s that all about?
I did that little video during a winter in Bavaria as a personal project; a growing orgasmic cacophony of caustic noise loops juxtaposed with stills of cheerleaders in rapture. . . turns me on! [Good answer!—Julz]
Tell us a little about The Sauna Kings? Is that still a functioning band, or did that run its course too?
Sauna Kings was a whimsical time drinking lots of beer and all other excesses in Cologne, Germany, with producer Electro-Atomu and sometimes FM Einheit. Electro-Atomu and I can do anything, at any time, for no fucking reason.
I think the one thing I like the most about Services are the abstract and comical lyrics (which is odd since I tend to be really into good storytelling lyrics), and its clear that you and Pravdica have a good sense of humor that can often be misinterpreted. There’s a vague emotional element to them, but aloof and zany at the same time. How do you manage to keep that whiny emotional vomit out of your lyrics that so many others pollute their music with?
Whining and pulling people’s heartstrings just isn’t me. But the bands that master that craft seem to make a shit-load lot of money doing it. And I want to eat it!
Why is there no official web site for Services? Do you think MySpace is all you need? The only reason I bring it up is because there might be some potential fans trying to get some info on the band or whatever, but there are certain ISPs out there that block access to sites like MySpace, Facebook, etc. The social networking sites like that are often banned from surfing access depending upon the ISP. Having your own site might supplement your visibility, so its something you should ‘Consider!’
I am flattered by your interest! If there are more people out there like you, perhaps I will CONSIDER getting an intern!
Where’d you get those horsehead masks on the cover of “Your Desire is My Business”, or are those Photoshopped horseheads onto an existing photo?
Those were “real” horsehead masks—you can get them in any costume shop. Daniel Hakansson was the photographer. He used an 8 x 10 camera, and despite freezing our “masks” off in Coney Island, that photo-shoot was one of the best ideas/results photo-shoots I’ve done. That image came right off my head and onto the page.
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