For Your Consideration: An Interview with Trztn of Services
Published on May 30th, 2008 in: Current Faves, Interviews, Issues, Music |
So what made you decide to do Services with Chris Pravdica? Explain your musical role as well as his? Who does what?
After the ashes of Flux. . . I began several art-minded projects. Services was the outcome of one of them. Initially, Chris was just helping now and then to translate an electronic, experimental metal-riffery-cut-and-paste project I was working on to a live setting. The idea was to use raw samples of crushing over-the-top riffery slapped together, out of meter and out of tune to create snapshots or poems. Eventually Chris’s role shaping the music became a more prominent one as these ideas became more articulated.
Services began as a Quixotic, idiosyncratic project. Now we work completely differently; Chris does most of the electronic work and I do the fine-tuning, and sit around scratching my ass trying to write meaningful lyrics. Services, is currently a song-writing, song-crafting team about to conquer (and understand) the world of pop music!!!
How did you get involved with A Touch of Class (ATOC), and why didn’t you stick with Young God Records (YGR)?
A Touch of Class saw us play live and signed us a few days later. They have since become good friends and influence our taste as friends do. The ATOC team, also do the production work on the records. We have a two-record contract with ATOC, the new EP (about to be released), is our last contractual commitment with them; however this could change. . . we’ll see. Flux had a one-record deal with YGR and no further plans beyond that. I also feel that (with all due respect), we currently have very little in common with YGR’s aesthetic vision.
You own/run Pinksock records. . . is it still up and running?
It is not up and running. A kid-in-a-sandbox experience that I hope to resuscitate someday.
I noticed that there is a domain on the web, but nothing in it. What gives?
. . . That too.
Watch the video for “EPK” on YouTube
Click to read more from Trztn on. . .
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