Bearing the Smear of Madness: An Interview with Autodrone
Published on May 30th, 2008 in: Current Faves, Interviews, Issues, Music |Popshifter: Is there anything else you wanted to talk about specifically? Like Duran Duran? (laughs)
Jeremy: Oh always! I love Duran Duran.
Duran Duran in 1981
In our discussion about the differences between the various music scenes in Toronto, New York, and New Orleans several bands were mentioned, including Death From Above 1979 [now sadly defunct—Ed.] and Quintron, both of whom Jeremy really likes.
Jeremy: I admired [DFA1979’s] ability to create so much with so little. I think that style was pioneered with people like Gang of Four and Wire. That really inspires the way I write songs, like let’s see how much we can get out of very little. Public Image Ltd. was like that too, like death disco.
Angel: I’ve been to New Orleans a lot. It’s great because there are a lot of theatrics. Even bands that are like “indie rock,” still have theatrics. I wish that was happening more here. There’s a band called Flaming Fire that does more of an elaborate performance. I really love performance and I wish more bands would step up and do that sort of thing.
Popshifter: There’s a band in Toronto called Kids On TV and they are so amazing live. They’ve got like a spoken word aspect to them, but also an 80s vibe, and they sing a lot about gay culture. The singer will strip down to his underwear and break dance. I’ve seen them at all-ages shows and the stage was filled with dancing teenagers and it was just incredible.
But it’s not shtick. They’re actually really good.
Jeremy: I think a lot of bands out here are scared that if they really step it up people will accuse them of doing shtick. Shtick is a dirty word right now.
Additional Resources:
Autodrone next plays The Delancey in New York, NY on Saturday, June 7. For more information, music, show dates, and to join the Autodrone mailing list, please visit the band’s MySpace page.
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