Top Five David Bowie Looks
Published on March 30th, 2008 in: Issues, Music, Top Five Lists |Ah, the chameleon. He’s been so many people over the years. Here are my favorites!
1. Ziggy Pirate
This is the very end of the Ziggy period, and Bowie has streamlined and cleaned up the look. No more astral circle on his forehead; no bare feet or knitted leotards. Just straight up glam pirate. See the “Rebel Rebel” video here.

(astral disc, bare feet, knitted leotard)
2. Hunky Dory
Pre-Ziggy, but not pre-glam, as this was total cinematic glamour. Sometimes compared to Lauren Bacall, this Bowie was on the back of the Hunky Dory album. This also includes the period when he wore the infamous “man’s dresses” and “came out” to the press.

If you can find the David Bowie Black Book from 1984, there’s a fantastic picture of him standing in front of his house in a man’s dress. I never should have sold that book.

Original cover for
The Man Who Sold The World
3. Screamin’ Lord Byron

The troubled, reclusive rock star character from the short film Jazzin’ For Blue Jean. That shadowed makeup still looks cool, and the frosted highlights look like actual frosting.

4. Jareth from Labyrinth
Of course, the Goblin King. Tina Turner wig, sculpted eyebrows, and Romantic attire. Plus, of course, the tights that caused the founding of the David Bowie’s Area website. When I was in Tokyo last year, there were tons of kids sporting this exact look. It’s lacy goth.

5. Sphinx
An experiment that did not go very far. In a photo shoot with Brian Ward in 1971, Bowie tried some different directions. Indeed. Brian Ward also shot the Ziggy Stardust album cover.

And a bonus, the worst look: “Be My Wife” video
1977, Paris. Unplucked eyebrows, slight trace of a moustache. . . just about the least-groomed he’s ever been. Is he trying for this particular reaction from me? Check out the video.

With added teeth!
6 Responses to “Top Five David Bowie Looks”
March 14th, 2009 at 7:19 pm
lol, likin the pics, what about the thin white duke?… or the strangers when we meet look/heartys filthy lesson lol ?
March 16th, 2009 at 10:34 am
Thanks! Good point – I did really like the Filthy Lesson look, with the return to the red hair!
May 10th, 2009 at 8:52 am
The David Bowie’s Area website is an absolute godsend.
I must admit that, after adoring the Scary Monsters era Bowie from the age of 3 (!) to noticing the effect Bowie’s intensely tight trousers in `Labyrinth’ had upon me at the tender age of 9 (!!), I can directly attribute the spectacularity of David Bowie’s package to the spectacularly heterosexual female I am now.
Long live the Bowie Basement !!!
July 18th, 2010 at 6:47 pm
the david bowie persona that is on the first place is called Halloween Jack & it’s from Diamond Dogs(L). It’s my favourite too
August 20th, 2010 at 9:13 pm
[…] es el primero de dos videos, inspirado en Bowie circa 1969 vestido como una esfinge y fotografiado por Brian […]
January 15th, 2013 at 11:03 pm
I love all the looks, and the last is alright because at least he asks me to be his wife… But as an all around Bowie enthusiast, I would say the look I like the least would be the “Crazy Uncle” Bowie. It gives me an image of whoever had that hair in Nsync or the BSB and I can never unsee it.
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