Best Of 2016: Jarod G. of Odonis Odonis

Published on December 23rd, 2016 in: Best Of Lists, Music, Music Reviews |


Every music journalist struggles to find a voice. Years of struggle writing endless music reviews and a writer still may not find it. However, when I read quality music reviews written by a seasoned professional, that voice can project right off the screen and as clear as if they were sitting in front of me, I can hear that voice.

Couple that achievement with actual writing skill and the act of reading a truly well crafted, eloquent review becomes a kind of… salvation.

I have scoured the internet for the clearest, most unique voices of them all and come up with my TOP TEN Most Eloquent Lines from Music Blog Album Reviews 2016.


We reviewed Odonis Odonis’s Post Plague on June 20 as well as their record release show on June 28.

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