TV Review: Trailer Park Boys S10 E06, “All the F**king Dope You Can Smoke!”

Published on April 11th, 2016 in: Canadian Content, Comedy, Current Faves, Netflix Reviews, Reviews, TV, TV Reviews |

By Tyler Hodg


The humor of Trailer Park Boys revolves around insane situations depicted in semi-realistic ways. Yet in “All the F**king Dope You Can Smoke!” the show jumps the shark one too many times for it to be funny or believable.

The main story of the episode isn’t the issue; Lahey continues to be pressured by Barb and her crew into taking action to regain Sunnyvale, and back at the park, tempers flare between the boys about what “all-inclusive” means.

A commercial filmed and produced by Bubbles (his videos throughout the series have always been stellar comedy pieces) was meant to entice people on the Internet to come to the “resort,” and it works, but ends up confusing the new visitors into thinking dope is free. While Julian and Ricky settle the specifics with a gun fight, Bubbles wanders into his shed and a familiar face appears on his computer monitor.

This is where the show takes a step in the wrong direction.

Bubbles’ video has gone viral, and Jimmy Kimmel video calls the loveable trailer park resident live on air. The situation itself isn’t unrealistic, but viewers are not that stupid; a “live” television show would not blindly call—video and all—a random Nova Scotia advertisement.

But let’s say they would for spontaneity’s sake. Why is Bubbles receiving the call? Would Julian not have put his cell phone number on the ad instead of Bubbles’?

The whole scene of Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles huddled around a computer screen speaking with Kimmel is actually quite humorous, but regardless of its surface worth, the ridiculous concept is unredeemable.

What makes this segment even more cringe-inducing is the fact that the episode was on track to be the best yet of Season 10. The characters’ relationships were tested in a complex way, with dramatic and comedic elements to their argument, and the idea of the trailer park resort is gold.

Kimmel’s appearance looks to be one off, but the scene lingers. It will go down in history as one of the hokiest moments in the entire series, and a sad attempt to appeal to the American audience.

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