Blu-Ray Review: Evilspeak

Published on May 23rd, 2014 in: Blu-Ray, DVD/Blu-Ray Reviews, Horror, Movie Reviews, Movies, Reissues, Retrovirus, Reviews |

By Brad Henderson


Evilspeak was a film that I’d always heard about but never saw a physical copy of in the video or retail stores. It always seemed to hide from me so I never got to see it until now . . .

Scream Factory isn’t just about the popular horror films, they love the lower budget underrated flicks as well and that’s what I love about them. I do wish Scream Factory would focus a little more on VHS-only films and less on stuff that has already received a DVD release but I can’t complain. I love my HD. I’m stoked that a film like Evilspeak has seen the light of day on Blu-Ray because this film is batshit insane and all the blood looks glorious in HD.

Evilspeak seems to be a simple “nerd gets revenge” film but with a crazy plot involving an ancient evil and DOS. DOS? Yes, the movie was made in the ’80s so it makes perfect sense, right? Oh well, it is fun when the plots are crazy like this because you get to have a blast. We are used to these types of revenge flicks but not with computers and shit and that’s where Evilspeak takes a turn.

Coopersmi—ahem! Sorry, Cooperdick is the one kid that gets completely shit on during his attendance at a religious military school. Question: Are all military schools religious? Quite honestly, I have no freaking idea. Oh well, Coopersmi—ahem! I mean, Cooperdick is your typical geek who gets punched, bullied, and screwed with every single day. Not only do the other cadets pick on him but the faculty does, too. Of course, he has a couple of people that show empathy for him but for the most part he lives a miserable life. Every single thing in his life is shitty and he has nowhere to turn. I actually felt bad for this dude on multiple occasions through the film and they make you fucking hate everyone in it aside from Coopersmith. He gets picked on enough that you are begging for him to get revenge an hour into the film. I won’t spoil it, but I will say that when the revenge hits, it hits so hard you will forget to breathe for the last ten minutes of the movie.

Scream Factory did a sweet job on this one and I was surprised to see it packed with the features that it had. There is a great commentary track from director Eric Weston and one hell of an enjoyable featurette that revisits some of the cast and their background on this film. I wonder when Scream Factory will put out a mediocre transfer. Well, it isn’t this time around because this sucker looks fantastic. There is some hardcore gore in this flick and it looks absolutely stunning. I even watched the last ten minutes a couple of times after the film was over because I needed to see it again. I believe any horror fan will enjoy Evilspeak if they haven’t seen it already and I’m sure there are plenty of existing fans that will find this release exceptional.

Evilspeak was released on Blu-Ray by Scream Factory on May 13.

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