DVD Review: Blood

Published on November 13th, 2013 in: Current Faves, DVD, DVD/Blu-Ray Reviews, Movie Reviews, Movies, Reviews |

By Brad Henderson


Cop movies are always a difficult thing to pull off. Although there are comedies, action, and sometimes horror cop movies, the most common are cop dramas. To actually pull off a cop drama, a few things are needed in order to keep your audience alert and occupied with what is actually going on.

Blood has these qualities. A cop drama needs not only characters, but good characters. In a short amount of time, we need to establish them and give them history. We need to know that they work well together as well as if they are friends.

Blood does this. We are thrown right into the middle of the recent homicide of a young girl and the cops are taking this case to heart. We also have back-stories on each of the characters and their problems as well. Everyone in real life has issues going on, some are more severe than others, but there are still issues.

Blood also establishes this very quickly. We get to see how close these friends are, their relationships, and how much they care about one another, but also that they care about what they do. This makes for a great script and even a better film when we actually care about everything going on and everyone in it. We even reach out to the killers themselves and get to know their story as well.

Blood does everything a film like this should. Most “revenge” flicks are more on the boring side. I don’t mean that in a literal sense, but figuratively. We always want to see the bad guy die. We pretty much want our main character to reign victorious and overcome the worst. Blood has a group of buddies that have to do this together and we question at times if we want these characters to succeed. I think this film is great because pushes the limits on what a film like this does.

Trying to figure out the case ourselves as well as deciding if we actually like or dislike the characters presented makes Blood a must watch for any thriller fan.

Blood was released on DVD on August 9 in the US from Momentum Pictures.

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