Seinfeld: You Got To Have Three

Published on November 29th, 2010 in: Comedy, Issues, Three Of A Perfect Pair, TV |

thumbs the susie

Second Storyline:
Jerry and Kramer run into Mike, who tells them he’s now a bookie. Kramer goes on to place a bet on a Knicks game, but since he has a gambling problem, he places the bet in Jerry’s name. The Knicks win; Jerry’s bet will get him $1,000. The next day, Mike doesn’t have the money to pay yet, apologizes profusely, and tries to help Jerry close the broken trunk of his car but in doing so, Jerry accidentally slams the trunk down on Mike’s thumbs, breaking them.

Later, Kramer confronts Jerry: “You broke Mike’s thumbs?” he asks in shock. Though Jerry insists it was an accident, Mike thinks Jerry did it on purpose in retaliation for not being able to pay. Eventually, they agree that Mike will fix the trunk of Jerry’s car in payment. While he’s working on the trunk, Mike falls into it and gets locked inside. While trapped, he overhears Jerry encouraging Elaine to “get rid of Susie! Eliminate her!” and this adds to his growing perception of Jerry as a dangerous character. When Mike manages to get out of the trunk, he finds he’s at Susie’s memorial, Jerry having driven Elaine there. Knowing what he overheard, he barges into the service, declaring that she didn’t commit suicide, but that Jerry killed her!

kramer date the susie

Third Storyline:
George has been dating Allison, a gorgeous woman whom he is dying to take to the office party to show off in grand fashion. But one night, she gets serious. “We need to talk,” she tells George. He panics and leaves, never going back. He knows she wants to break up with him, but he wants to have her there with him at the office party, so he adopts a strategy of laying low. “She has to find me to break up with me!” he declares. He stays at home, screening his calls. Allison grows irritated that she can’t reach George. When Kramer goes to see her about getting a pair of tickets from her, she asks about George.

Later, George is invited out to dinner by Kramer who, acting as Allison’s proxy, breaks up with George. After taking this in, and a long night of thought, George sees Kramer early in the morning and begs to be taken back; Kramer accepts. At the ball the next night, George is surprised to see Kramer arrive as his date. “Where’s Allison?” he asks. Kramer lets him know that Allison didn’t want to get back together. He pled his case, but “she’s a tough nut!” In trying to get an insistent Kramer to leave the party, George actually ends up twirling Kramer into the ballroom, making the grand entrance he wanted all along, albeit with the wrong date.

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