Star Wars: The Story Of Ben Kenobi

Published on November 29th, 2009 in: Issues, Movies |


In Episode IV, A New Hope, Obi-Wan Kenobi, known locally as Ben, is sought out by R2-D2, who brings Luke with him. Kenobi takes on a new student and devises the plan to rescue Leia and deliver the Death Star plans to the Rebel Alliance. Kenobi’s quick thinking allows the band of heroes to remain undetected through the use of the Millennium Falcon’s hidden smuggling compartments, and he takes on the responsibility of disabling the Death Star’s tractor beam. Once again, Kenobi finds himself face to face with his former student Darth Vader, and their lightsaber duel provides the distraction that Luke and his companions use to get back to their ship.

At this point, Obi-Wan sacrifices himself so that they can escape. It’s not until the final space battle at the Death Star that we realize that Kenobi is not gone, but remains in spirit to continue guiding Luke. It is Obi-Wan’s encouragement that gets Luke to trust the Force, which becomes the key factor in destroying the Death Star. Kenobi knows that he cannot continue his mission on his own, and must pass the responsibility to his new pupil, though he will still remain an important part of Luke’s life. Having made his errors in the training of Anakin, Obi-Wan must train another to correct them.


Ben’s spiritual guidance continues in Episode V, The Empire Strikes Back, when he urges Luke to travel to Dagobah and learn from Yoda. Once there, Ben also convinces Yoda to take on Luke as a pupil, despite the small Jedi’s protests. Even after death, Kenobi is influential in creating the hero who will take on the fallen Anakin. However, after Luke senses that his friends are in danger, Ben is unable to dissuade Luke from leaving to save them, and fears that Luke will be seduced by the Dark Side in the same way Luke’s father was. By the end of this chapter, Luke begins to question his teacher’s motives in concealing information, much as Ben’s previous student did. Once again, Kenobi’s intentions are placing the fate of the free galaxy at risk.

In the final installment, Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi, Kenobi’s influence is at its lowest, as he places more and more trust in Luke’s hands. He does have to face his deception, though, as Luke confronts him about his father’s identity. Kenobi confesses his failure in training Anakin, and cautions Luke about his inevitable rematch with Vader. This conversation has the aspect of a father-son talk, where the wisdom of experience is passed on before the young man embarks on his own path. And this is the case, as it is the last one we will see between master and pupil.


From this point on, Luke must determine his own fate, and decide for himself which path he will take. It is to be a revisiting of the events in the first trilogy, as the son must stand before the same man who corrupted the father. It is also a final test for Kenobi, to see if he was able to correct the mistakes in training that allowed for Anakin’s fall. And as we are shown, he was indeed successful, and appears at the end of the movie in spirit form to congratulate Luke.

The six-movie series is easily divided into two halves, the first representing Obi-Wan’s failure due to his poor decision, and the second his success, purchased at the price of his own life. Kenobi took on a pupil despite the reservations of the Jedi Council, and inadvertently helped to create the Sith Lord Darth Vader. He then spent the rest of the saga working to undo that damage. Had Anakin’s training been placed in the hands of Master Yoda, perhaps the prophesied balance would have come to the Force, but that possibility was shattered by the decision of Obi-Wan Kenobi. And that decision gave rise to an epic saga that has endured for over thirty years.

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